Upon logging in, start a new project and proceed to import the "NANO Documents Extraction" scenario. Next, configure the scenario by filling in the necessary inputs:

- User e-mail: E-mail of the user that should be given full access to the extraction
- Title for the new dataset: Enter the dataset title to where files will be uploaded. For this example, we selected 'Test Nano'.
- Year of publication: Enter a year you're interested in. For this example, we selected '2008'.
- Journal name normalized: Enter the Journal name normalized you are interested in. For this example, we selected 'Intermetallics'.
- Number of pages: Enter the number of pages you are interested in. For this example, we selected the number '10'.
- Execution title: Enter an execution title to categorize each scenario configuration execution. This field is optional.
When all the required fields are filled, you can click on the button in the top right ‘Run this scenario’.
After the scenario execution is finished, check in the Outputs of the project for the new file produced: nano-documents-result