EUPRO Projects and Participations


  • The "EUPRO Projects and Participations" scenario provides systematic and standardized information on R&D projects of different European R&D policy programmes and information about the participants, which can be used to analyze networks and collaborative knowledge production, providing a comprehensive view of collaborations and partnerships within the EU research landscape.


  • Upon logging in, start a new project and proceed to import the "EUPRO Projects and Participations" scenario. Next, configure the scenario by filling in the necessary inputs: eupro-projects-and-participation-scenario.png

    • Title for the new dataset: Enter a name for the new dataset. For this example, we selected 'EUPRO Projects and Participations'.
    • Keyword to search: Write the keyword you wish to search for. For this example, we selected the keyword 'internet'.
    • From year: Write the year you wish to start from. For this example, we selected '2015'.
    • Until year: Write the year you wish to stop at. For this example, we selected '2016'.
    • Country: Choose the country you are interrested in. For this example, we selected 'IT' which stands for Italy.
    • Execution title: Enter an execution title to categorize each scenario configuration execution. This field is optional.
  • When all the required fields are filled, you can click the button in the top right ‘Run this scenario’.

  • After the scenario execution is finished, check in the Outputs of the project for the new files produced: EUPRO Projects Result and EUPRO Participations Result.