Run Scenario


  1. Login into

  2. Create a project. For this example, we created a project named “Patents extraction”.

  3. Import the scenario ‘Patents Extraction for Cortext’. run-scenario0.png

  4. Create and import a dataset where the results of the execution will be stored. For this case, we created a dataset named “Dataset for Patents Extraction”. run-scenario1.png

  5. Click in ‘Configure’ run-scenario2.png

  6. You will see three principal sections on the page.

    • Search section: If you want, you can write a word and the system will apply a filter selecting inputs fields that contains in the title the word inputted. run-scenario3.png
    • List of the inputs: This is a list with all inputs that you can configure to run a scenario. Some of them are required. run-scenario4.png
    • Configurable section: In this part, each input value has an input field to write a new value, you can change as you want with correct values. Remember to fill ALL values required to run the scenario. run-scenario5.png
  7. Each input has some actions to do if you want, located at the right of each input.

    • Reset Option: If the input has a default value, the system will change the value to the default value. run-scenario6.png
    • Clear Option: The system will clear the input field run-scenario7.png
    • Change Option: In some cases, there are some values by default, and you can change the value by clicking on this option. run-scenario8.png
    • Info Option: If you need some information, please click on this option run-scenario9.png
  8. For this scenario, we need to fill two fields.

    • Application id: We will put a number 58, and after pressing the key ‘Enter’ on your keyboard or click on the add button. run-scenario10.png The idea is that the number stays like this: run-scenario11.png
    • Dataset: We need to select one of the datasets. For our case, we will select the dataset imported previously (‘Dataset for Patents Extraction’). run-scenario12.png
  9. When all the required fields will stay filled. The ‘Run this scenario’ button will be available to run. run-scenario13.png

  10. In order to facilitate the categorization of each scenario configuration execution, users require a method for labeling them. This designated label can subsequently be displayed within the executions list. This can be accomplished by incorporating a straightforward text field within the configuration view, where a placeholder, such as the execution number or date-time, can be pre-set for user convenience. run-scenario14.png

Within this list of executions, you will easily spot the execution labeled as "patents-extraction-58," as previously mentioned. run-scenario15.png

After clicking on 'Run this scenario", you will see a green notification saying that the scenario is running. run-scenario16.png

  1. After some time (Depending on the scenario and the tasks), you will receive a notification with the result of the operation (A green notification means that the scenario runs successfully, but if you receive a red notification, it means that there was an error during the execution). You can see the notification in the bell located next to your profile image in the top menu.
    • Notification of execution failed run-scenario17.png
    • Notification of an execution successfully run-scenario18.png
  2. The execution of a scenario was done successfully.